
Projects Projects in Africa & South Africa

R 2869.57 excl. VAT

  • Construction Projects
  • Private Sector
  • Professional Contact Information
  • Online Support
  • Leads e-mailed daily

L2Q Leads 2 Quotes

R 2373.91 excl. VAT

  • Price BOQ's online
  • Custom trade mapping
  • Choose Preferred Suppliers
  • Online support
  • Our team follow up responses

Tenders Tenders in South Africa

R 1347.83 excl. VAT

  • Tender leads across SA
  • Multiple industries & regions
  • Single monthly cost
  • Online support
  • Leads e-mailed daily

OQ Open Quotes

R 286.96 excl. VAT

  • Award info on BOQ's priced
  • Edit your Directory entry
  • Become a Preferred Supplier
  • Online support
  • Improve your rank as you price

Advertising Aim your business at
the right industries.

From R 8913.04 excl. VAT

  • Targeted industry
  • Create brand awareness
  • Launch new products
  • Revive existing products or services
  • Measurable exposure

L2B Unplugged Future-Ready, an API that will interface our data with your CRM

POA Price on Application

  • Data integration with key L2B services
  • Customised content
  • Single monthly cost
  • Faster, easier content with improved data quality
  • Extend on existing services, get what’s most beneficial to your business

Price per Bill A cost-effective platform
to send RFQ’s.

R 643.48 excl. VAT

  • Fast forward the pricing process
  • Price BoQ’s online
  • Seamless bill conversions
  • Comprehensive supplier directory
  • Test our L2Q capabilities