Bids are hereby invited for the following project: Appointment of a Service Provider of management of Kwaggafontein Landfill site for a period 36 Months as and when required.
Tender Notice and Invitation to Tender: Panel of Contractors for Infrastructure Projects within Emakhazeni Local Municipality for a period of 24 Months.
Bids are hereby invited for the following project: Appointment of a service provider for Supply and delivery of Operational Full Maintenance Lease Commercial (Specialised and Non specialised trucks and earth moving equipment for THLM for a period of 36 months (Re-Advert).
Tenders are invited for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Fence and Safety Signages around Dams at Kusile Power Station at Kusile Power Station.
Bids are invited for the Unit 1 to unit 6 and outside plant stationary diesel engine maintenance and repairs for a period of 5 years at Matla Power Station.
Tenders are invited for the supply of waste accessories, removal, transportation and disposal of waste from LCRCS and Explosives Nationally: Criminal Record and Crime Scene for the period of three (03) years.
*Note: Details Changed see Closing Date* Bids are hereby invited for the Appointment of a Service Provider for the Supply and Delivery of Operational Full Maintenance Lease Commercial (Specialised and Non-Specialised Trucks) and Earth Moving Equipment for a Period of 36 Months (three years).