The Nursing & Midwifery Training College (NMTC), Esiama invite sealed quotations from all stakeholders and the general public to purchase a complete Tender Document via GHANEPS Online or NMTC, Esiama.
The Nursing & Midwifery Training College (NMTC), Esiama invite sealed quotations from all stakeholders and the general public to purchase a complete Tender Document via GHANEPS Online or NMTC, Esiama.
The Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited now invites tenders from GOVERNMENT_ENTERPRISE, Company Local, Company Foreign, Special Group, Manufacturer Local, Sole Proprietor Local, Partnership Local, Manufacturer Foreign, Partnership Foreign and Sole Proprietor Foreign of Supply of Telecommunication
The Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives (GCNM) intends to apply part of its budget to cover eligible payment for the contract of constructing a wall on the college's 2.0-acre land located opposite the Trinity Theological Seminary at East Legon. The Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives (GCNM) now invites
The Petroleum Commission, Ghana invites sealed Tenders from eligible firms for the procurement of Security Services for the Petroleum Commission's Head Office, Petroleum Commission's Office Annexe at Abelemkpe, Accra and the Petroleum Commission's Western Region Office, and Residences of some Management
The Petroleum Commission, Ghana invites sealed Tenders from eligible firms for the procurement of Janitorial Services at the Commission's Head Office, Commission's Office Annexe at Abelemkpe, Accra and the Western Region Office of the Commission.
The College of Health And Well-Being - Kintampo invites sealed tenders from eligible suppliers, manufacturers or their authorized representatives for the procurement of student desks. Eligible suppliers, manufacturers or their authorized representatives may participate in all lots as follows: Lot 1:
The Management and the Entity Tender Committee (ETC) of the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital intends to apply part of its budgetary allocation to fund eligible payments under the contract for the Drilling of (4Nr) Boreholes within the Hospital.
The Kwaebibirem Municipal Assembly has secured funds from the District Assemblies Common Fund Responsive Factor Grant 2021 (DACF-RFG), the Assembly's share of the District Assemblies Common Fund and wants to apply part of the funds for the construction of the under-listed project. Tenderers are therefore