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Found 21823 items



Design, Supply, Delivery, Removal, Installation And Commissioning Of Center Point
  • 1067417
Transnet Port Terminals Richards Bay (KZN) Invites Tenders For For The Provision Of Design, Supply, Delivery, Removal, Installation And Commissioning Of Center Point Junction Boxes At Berth 804 And 801 For Transnet SOC Ltd (Reg No. 1990/000900/30) Operating As Transnet Port Terminals (Hereinafter Referred


Supply, install and commission 2x 20kva back-up solar
  • 1067429
Tenders are invited for the appointment of a contractor to supply, install and commission 2x 20kva back-up solar at Denver and Toronga Train Station for a period of three (3) months in the South Gauteng region, prasa cres.


Panel - Municipal Diesel Back Up Generators
  • 1067386
In terms of Section 110 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (No. 56 of 2003), tenders are hereby invited for Appointment of a Panel of Maximum Two (2) Service Providers for Repairs, Maintenance and Services of Municipal Diesel Back Up Generators on Municipal Building and Facilities (MP313)


Replacement and repairs for of steel member and anti-climb devices
  • 1067214
*Note. Please see CIDB Grading* Eskom Holdings Soc Limited Gauteng invites tenders for replacement and repairs for of steel member and anti-climb devices on NTCSA power lines in central grid for period of twelve months.


Bulk Material Handling Conveyors
  • 1064922
*Note: Details Changed see Closing Date* Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (hereinafter “Eskom”) invites you to submit a tender for: Bulk Material Handling Conveyors at both Ash and Coal plants at Matimba Power Station for a period of 5 years.


Professional Services - Refurbishment of Electrical Supply Network
  • 1066307
*Note: Details Change, Please see Delivery Point.* Request for Quotation (RFQ): Tender for the rendering of Professional Services for the Electricity Audit, Conditional Assessment, Planning, Design, Tender Specifications and Tender Documentation, Construction Monitoring and close-out for the Refurbishment


Community Lighting: Retrofitting of High Mast Lights
  • 1067370
The Makana local municipality wishes to invite suitable service providers for Community Lighting: Retrofitting of High Mast Lights for Makhanda, Makana Local Municipality.


Steel Fire Barriers
  • 1067350
Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors for the Construction of Steel Fire Barriers between the Existing 66/11kV Transformers at South Substation and Ockert Bothma Substation. This is a multi-year project for the period ending 31 December 2025.


The watershed substation refurbishment supply and installation
  • 1067395
Tenders are invited for the watershed substation refurbishment supply and installation of 275kv tubular busbar, 275kv tubes postinsulators, & tubular busbar clamps.


Bi-monthly calibration, monthly service and ad-hoc repairs of the south stack (boiler
  • 1067542
Bi-monthly calibration, monthly service and ad-hoc repairs of the south stack (boiler 1 to 3), boiler 4, boiler 5 and boiler 6 smoke stack gas emission analyser systems for a period of five (5) years.


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