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Found 3388 items with Total of 3411 results



N7 Section 4 Trawal to Klawer
  • 29153
Improvement of the National Route N7 section 4 from Trawal at km 42.00 to Klawer at km 54.00 in Matzikama Municipality, Western Cape. The exact GPS location is not known and the Marker has been placed on National Route 7 in Klawer 31°46'45.8"S 18°38'11.0"E


R31 Section 7 Delportshoop to Barkly West
  • 31690
Periodic maintenance and resurfacing on National Route R31 Section 7 from Delportshoop at km 0.00 to Barkly West at km 30.61 in Dikgatlong Local Municipality, Northern Cape. The exact GPS location is not known and the marker has been placed on the R31 between the proposed areas of construction, 28°27'09.4"S


Kromme Rhee Roads & Bulk Services
  • 29022
Upgrading of the existing roads and bulk services at Kromme Rhee Farm, 62 Kromme Rhee Road, Stellenbosch, Western Cape. R 29 818 953.31- The GPS marker has been placed on Kromme Rhee Road: -33.8669413, 18.8393949


N7 Sec 7 to 8, N14 Sec 1, R382 Sec 1 to 2
  • 28666
Routine road maintenance of National route 7 section 7 to 8 from Kersbosch Fontein at km 65.71 to Vioolsdrift at km 116.23, National Route 14 section 1 from Springbok at km 0.00 to Holte/ Hunites at km 81.22 and National Route R382 section 1 to 2 from Steinkopf at km 0.00 to Alexander Bay (RSA / NAM


Maintenance P2-1, P2-2 and P94
  • 33056
Maintenance on main roads P2-1 from km 0.00 to km 23.090, P2-2 from km 0.00 to km 18.200 and P94 from km 0.00 to km 13.170 in the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. Estimated value of R65 345 320.54. The project is Main Road P2-1-2 (R102 North) and P94 (M41). P2-1 starts at its


Upgrade of District Road 883
  • 32874
Upgrade of District Road 883 from km 3.000 to km 8.433 near Endulinde, Samungu Clinic in Eshowe, in the Durban Region, Kwazulu-Natal. Estimated value of R139 747 767.06. The GPS location is 29°03'35.5"S 31°26'37.9"E


M Street and Albert Street
  • 32617
Rehabilitation of M Street and Albert Street in Makhanda, Eastern Cape. Estimated value of R28 755,056.38. The works comprises of the construction of approximately 4.2km of roads in Makhanda Township in Grahamstown. The project starts at the intersection of Albert Road at Street A, crosses the R67 (Raglan


Centocow Bridge
  • 32493
Construction of Centocow bridge (No. 3520) on local road L3366 at km 2.02 over Umzimkhulu rivers, on the P422, to Centocow, Umzimkhulu, Kwazulu-Natal. CIDB 8CE. The scope of works include: establishment on site, foundation excavations, construction of reinforced concrete foundations, abutments, wing


Kwamagoda River Bridge
  • 28312
Upgrade to Kwamagoda (Nkhukhu) River bridge on District Road D59 at km 0.108, within Ward 6 of the Richmond Local Municipality, uMgungundlovu District Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal. R28 274 753.52. The proposed bridge will be located adjacent to the existing bridge and 360m of the D59 Road re-aligned for


N9 Section 7 Wolwefontein to Vaalkop
  • 27906
Periodic maintenance of the National Route 9 Section 7 from Wolwefontein at km 63.90 to Vaalkop at km 79.00 in the Northern Cape. The project value is R 41 000 000,00. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the approximate area of construction is on the N9, 30°59'48.0"S 25°00'02.8"E


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