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Found 18464 items



Procurement of consultancy service for Network Upgrading, Strengthening and Rehabilitating
  • 1042017
Loan No. /Credit No: IDA-7520-ET: The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the first Power sector Reform Investment Modernization in Ethiopia (PRIME I) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The consulting services


Procurement of Consultancy Service for Network Upgrading, Strengthening and Rehabilitating
  • 1042021
Loan No. /Credit No: IDA-7520-ET. The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the first Power sector Reform Investment Modernization in Ethiopia (PRIME I) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The consulting services


Procurement of Mixed - Use G+4 Building / Shed in Addis Ababa
  • 1042099
The Government of Ethiopia has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Urban Productive Safety Net and Jobs Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds towards payments under the contract for Construction of mixed-use G+4 building/shed in Addis Ababa (Lot One in Addis


Plant Design, Supply and Installation of Electromechanical Equipments for Mekelle
  • 1037763
ICB/ADB/MWSP/G-01/2017. Mekelle Town water and sewerage service office has received a loan from Water Resource Development Basket Fund-(WRDF) towards the cost of urban water supply and sanitation project and Tigray Regional State: water and Energy Bureau on behalf of Mekelle Town water and sewerage service


Consultancy Service for Feasibility Studies for Utility-Scale Weranso Solar Pv Projec
  • 1034587
Project ID No.: P-Z1-FA0-179: The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) has received financing from the African Development Bank toward the cost of the Ethiopia- Djibouti Second Power Interconnection Project and intends to apply part of the agreed amount for this grant to payments under the


Feasibility Study for 100MW Genale Dawa 5, Amendment to Existing Feasibility/ESIA/RAP
  • 1034410
*Note: Details Change: Please see 'closing date' for further information*. The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has received financing from the African Development Bank] toward the cost of the Mekele-Dallol and Semera - Afdera Power Transmission Supply for Industrial Development and Access Scale-up


Procurement of Personal Protective Equipment
  • 1034123
Loan No./Credit No./Grant No:IDA-6157&IDA-6158: The Federal Government of Ethiopia has received a credit from the international Development association (IDA) toward the cost of Ethiopia Electrification program (ELEAP) and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to payment under contract


Supply, installation, Implementation of Ethiopian National Data Warehouse (ENDW)
  • 1034137
The Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Ethiopia Digital Foundations Project (EDFP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for the Supply, installation, Implementation of Ethiopian National Data Warehouse (ENDW).


Construction works of 6 Small Bridges at different FSRP Woredas, Under Oromia Burau
  • 1026241
The Oromiya Roads and Logistics Bureau on behalf of the Oromia Agricultural Bureau intends to apply parts of the allocated budget of the Food System Resilience Program financed by the World Bank (IDA) toward the cost of the Construction of Six (6)Bridge Projects with Approach Road under Package-I in


Road Construction Projects - Package IV (4)
  • 1030574
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) has allocated budget towards the cost of the following Road Construction Projects and intends to apply part of this budget to payments under these projects. The Ethiopian Roads Administration now invites bidders to submit sealed bids for providing the


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