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Found 67183 items



Tender for the phased construction of 38 No. Community Houses and Associated External
  • 1060216
The Road Development Agency (RDA) has received an allocation of financing for various road works from the Government of the Republic of Zambia and wishes to apply a portion of these funds to cover eligible payments for the Phased Construction of 38No Community Houses and Associated External Works at


Proposed construction of NSSF Geita Office Building
  • 1060232
The National Social Security Fund now invites tenders from contractors registered or capable of being registered in ONE for construction of Proposed construction of NSSF Geita Office Building. All tenders must be properly filled in and submitted through NeST


Tender for supply and delivery of school furniture fittings for the construction
  • 1059065
*Note: Please see, Details Changed in Closing Details* The Ministry of Education now invites sealed bids from eligible and experienced Bidders for School furniture fittings for the construction of 110 Hub centers for the Zambia Enhancing Early Learning Project (ZEEL) Under Ministry of Education: Lot


Tender for supply and delivery of school furniture fittings and materials for the
  • 1059075
*Note: Please see, Details Changed in Closing Details* The Ministry of Education now invites sealed bids from eligible and experienced Bidders for School furniture fittings for the construction of 110 Hub centers for the Zambia Enhancing Early Learning Project (ZEEL) Under Ministry of Education: Lot


Provision of Motor Vehicle Tracking Services
  • 1059789
AGRA is a proudly African-led institution focused on scaling agricultural innovations that help smallholder farmers towards increased incomes, better livelihoods, and improved food security. AGRA’s mission is to transform the lives of smallholder farmers from that of a solitary struggle for survival


Tender for the Supply and Installation of a Board Management Software
  • 1059742
Pension and Insurance Authority has invited sealed bids for Supply and Installation of a Board Management Software.


Provision of Consultancy Services for Planning, Designing, Supervision and Management
  • 1059769
*Note: Details Changed, please see 'site inspection details' for further information*. The Tanzania Geothermal Development Company Limited now invites eligible consultants to submit proposals for the following consulting services: Provision of Consultancy Services for Planning, Designing, Supervision


Construction of Foot Suspended Bridge along Msikiti Mtendeni-Mndelani (0.58km) road
  • 1059486
The TARURA - Morogoro Regional Office now invites tenders from contractors registered or capable of being registered in TWO,FIVE,SIX,FOUR,SEVEN,ONE,THREE for construction of Construction of Foot Suspended Bridge along Msikiti Mtendeni-Mndelani (0.58km) road in Kilosa District.


Construction of Njuwasa Office at Njombe Town Plot No 491/1 Block 0
  • 1059573
The Njombe Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority now invites tenders from the following pre-qualified Tenderers for Construction of Njuwasa Office at Njombe Town Plot No 491/1 Block 0: -[PRE_QUALIFIED_TENDERERS].


Consultancy Services for the Preparation of Construction Works of the Multipurpose
  • 1059627
Request For Expressions Of Interest (Consulting Services – Firms Selection) East African Community. East African Regional Statistics Program for Results-EARSPforR. Loan No./Credit No./ Grant No.: (P176371). Assignment Title: Request for Expressions of Interest – for Consultancy Services for the preparation


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