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Found 867 items with Total of 918 results



Mmametlhake Community Library
  • 31159
Construction of a community library on Erf 255, Petsaneng Township, Mmametlhake, DR JS Moroka Local Municipality, Mpumalanga. Project value: R21 055 784,91. GPS Coordinates: 25.1090947°S, 28.5129391°E


Londani Nndangeneni Colliery Extension
  • 21188
Londani Nndangeneni Colliery proposes to extend their opencast mining operation area by way of including Portion 23 and 28 of the farm Kopermyn 435JS into the existing Kopermyn Mining Right (MP 30/5/1/2/2/299 MR/10134MR) and existing Kopermyn EMP. The total mining area will thus be 3 082ha. The Kopermyn


New Maternity at Themba Hospital
  • 29008
Construction of a new maternity at Themba Hospital in Kabokweni, Mbombela Local Municipality, Mpumalanga Province. CIDB 9GB The GPS marker has been placed at the existing hospital 25°20'42.0"S 31°07'18.0"E


Lebombo Port of Entry (2020)
  • 25260
Maintenance and servicing of buildings, civil, electrical and mechanical infrastructure and installation at the Lebombo Port of Entry in Mpumalanga. Value of contract R65 767 661.65 Approximate GPS co-ordinates as per Google: -25.4409938, 31.9153514.


Steenbok Water Reticulation
  • 31417
Construction of bulk line, water reticulation and elevated tank in Steenbok, Mpumalanga. R41 639 391.48. The GPS marker has been placed at the area of construction 25°44'31.2"S 31°53'45.6"E


Booysendal South Platinum Mine
  • 16841
The Booysendal concession is located in the southern compartment of the eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex. It is situated approximately 35km from the town of Mashishing (formerly Lydenburg), straddling the border of Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces in South Africa. The concession hosts both the UG2


Mananga LPOE
  • 34170
Infrastructure maintenance and repairs of buildings, civil, mechanical, electrical and Installations at the Mananga Land Port of Entry in Mpumalanga. CIDB 7CE/GB. The GPS co-ordinates of Mananga border post are 25°55'56.4"S 31°45'41.6"E


Elikhulu Tailings Project, Phase 3
  • 19804
Phase 3 is the re-establishment of the hydromining infrastructure to the Winkelhaak Tailings dump at the Evander Gold Mine in Mpumalanga. A definitive feasibility study completed on the Elikhulu tailings project has shown the project to have excellent recovered grades and gold production, attractive


Yzermyn Underground Coal Mine, Mpumalanga
  • 13051
Atha-Africa Ventures has acquired the coal prospecting rights to an area approximately 8,360 hectares located close to the town of Dirkiesdorp, about 58km southwest of Piet Retief and 21 km northeast of Wakkerstroom in the Mpumalanga Province. Atha propose to develop the Ysermyn underground coal min


Kanyamazane CHC
  • 24405
Construction of the Kanyamazane Community Health Centre and accommodation, in Mbombela Local Municipality in the Mpumalanga Province. CIDB 9GB. Possible GPS co-ordinates 25°02′41.1″S 31°10′55.0″E.


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